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Δημιουργία: 12/05/2010 11:21
Ενημέρωση: 12/05/2010 11:22
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Επισκέψεις της εβδομάδας 1123
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Άρθρο: Menoquilâ„¢ A Change For The Better - 12/05/2010 11:22

MenoQuil - Menopausal symptoms

Remove Your Menopausal Symptoms with MenoQuil™

  • Stop Hot Flashes
  • Calm Night Sweats
  • Curb Mood Swings
  • Relieve Vaginal Dryness
  • Jump Start Your Sex Drive
Wouldn’t it be great if menopause didn’t exist? Of course most women would say, YES! But menopause is a natural occurrence that women have experienced since the dawn of time. Everyday approximately 4,000 women reach menopause - a natural time in a woman’s life when she finally frees herself of PMS, menstruation and birth control issues. But with menopause comes other aggravating side effects that have to be contended with like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of sex drive and fewer periods. Just as there was help for women during their menstruating years, you now can have menopausal relief, naturally, with the help of Menoquil™!

The Change of Life

Remember when grandmothers would describe menopause as the "Change of Life?" Well now it’s not so abnormal to discuss the issues of menopause or to find relief in dealing with its symptoms. Most women are grateful to know that the beneficial side effect of menopause is your inability to get pregnant! Woo Hoo! Once our ovaries eggs have finished using the finite number our bodies have created, menopause occurs. But this “Change of Life” that happens in our ovaries also affects our production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone, causing us those dreaded menopausal symptoms.

How Menoquil™ Can "Change Your Life!"

There is an old adage that says, with change comes opportunity. Well for menopausal women that is just the case! Besides not having to worry about birth control or the possibility of getting pregnant, you can also get relief from menopausal symptoms to live a full, rewarding, happy life. Menoquil™ provides proven, natural relief for the symptoms of menopause. No need for hormone replacement therapy! Menoquil™ will promote physical and emotional health and balances your hormone levels.

Success Stories

MenoQuil - Menopause
  1. I am a 50 year old woman and was prescribed HRT. I didn't want to keep taking it after I read all of the warnings associated with them. I was still having hot flashes and extreme mood swings and needed something to help me. I tried Menoquil™ and boy has it really helped me. Mood swings are gone, hot flashes are gone! I feel great. - Deb E. - Wisconsin

  2. I am 58 years old and have been experiencing symptoms of menopause for the past year - weight gain, night sweats, insomnia - you name it and I have it. I just couldn't take it anymore. My friend told me that she has been using Menoquil™ for the past year and has no symptoms of menopause at all. I decided to give Menoquil™ a try and boy am I glad I did. It has made the orld of difference to me. I would recommend it to anyone needing help. - Marcia Z. San Diego, Ca

  3. I wanted to let you know that Menoquil™ has had a huge impact on my life. I have used other alternative products and they just didn't do anything for my symptoms. Menoquil™ helped me lose the extra weight I gained and I don't get any hot flashes anymore. I really love this product. - Darlene S. - Paducah, Kentucky